MANCHESTER WORKSHOP - Comparing Partnership, LLP and corporate structures
Published 14/03/13, by Juniper Education
Chair: Mark Briegal (Aaron & Partners LLP) and
Speakers: Mark Getliffe and Colin Abrahams (CLB Coopers)
Chair: Mark Briegal (Aaron & Partners LLP) and
Speakers: Mark Getliffe and Colin Abrahams (CLB Coopers)
Chairman: Giles Murphy (Smith & Williamson)
Speakers: Neil Kinsella (Slater & Gordon) and David Beech (Knights Solicitors)
Chair: Giles Clegg (Lupton Fawcett Lee & Priestley)
Speaker: Jeremy Callman (Ten Old Square)
Chair: Gavin Foggo (Fox Williams LLP)
Speakers: (Details to follow)
Chair: (Details to follow)
Speaker: Mark Cawson QC